what is a distributed router?

Speaking of routers, everyone is no stranger. In today’s network outbreak, wifi has been closely related to our lives. Hundreds of megabytes of fiber-optic broadband have entered the homes of ordinary people. In the process of using it, we have encountered many problems, such as slow internet speed and WiFi. The actual problems of small […]

How far is the smart router from the smart home entrance?

The Internet of Things is booming. Various traditional router manufacturers and network equipment manufacturers have launched a variety of intelligent routers, such as “polar routing, millet router, 360 secure routing, contact wifi, Huawei…”, in order to be able to borrow intelligent routers. To occupy the family entrance of the Internet of Things. But these smart […]

The technical and cost challenges for 100G

Huang Xiaoqing, dean of China Mobile Research Institute, believes that although 100G has already started, there are still four technical challenges in 100G transmission technology. The 100G failed to be widely applied at present, and the key reason is that the cost is still relatively high. More and more high-bandwidth services, such as high-definition video, online […]

8 major trends in the development of the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technological revolution with the goal of embedding short-range mobile data transceivers into gadgets or things in everyday life, bringing new developments to the field of information communication technology. Frost & Sullivan’s research report presents eight trends in the Internet of Things: First, the Internet of Things will evolve […]

Virtual Router market has double growth in the coming year

According to the latest report by IHS Infonetics, the virtual router and bare Metal Exchange markets are bright, despite the apparent decline in the data center network equipment market. According to IHS Infonetics’s latest series of reports, the performance of various areas of the global online market is uneven. For example, the Global Data Center […]